(OLNEY) In Summer Swimming from Tuesday night –
The Olney Tigersharks took on Fairfield in a dual swim meet at the MAC, Olney won 36 of the 64 total individual events, in age groups, from older to younger, here’s the individual winning Tigersharks.
- Connor Grove (B 18&U)
- Kennedy Travis (G 18&U)
- Bentley Baltzell (B 14&U)
- Alayna Rodgers (G 12&U)
- Ben Powell (B 12&U)
- Khloe Cales (G 12&U)
- Archer Laughlin (B 10&U)
- Maeven Feddes (G 10&U)
- Maddex McDowell (B 10&U)
- Amelia Mitchell (G 10&U)
- Graham McDowell (B 10&U)
- Don Seiler (B 10&U)
- Mabel Stout (G 10&U)
- Staks Fishburn (B 10&U)
- Emsley Cunningham (G 10&U)
- Wakely Miller (G 8&U)
- Brayson Brinkley (B 8&U)
- Asher Franklin (B 8&U)
- Barek Cunningham (B 8&U)
- Luke Myers (B 8&U)
- Kasen Kuenstler (B 67U)
- Shyer Fishburn (B 6&U)
The Tigersharks won 9 of the 15 four-member team relay events, in age groups, from older to younger, here’s the other winners involved in relay events.
- Korynn Snider, Sophia Grove, Benni Stout, Chesney Schuetz (G 14&U)
- Dylan VanBlaricum, Mack Ginder, Carter Scherer (B 12&U)
- Gage Henton, Jack Ridgely, Bryar Meadows, Rhett Buckels (B 10&U)
- Vella Kuenstler, Riley Meadows, Devin Baltzell (G 10&U)
- Charles Kinkade (B 8&U)
The Tigersharks are back in the water tonight at home against Salem at the MAC. Stay up-to-date on the olneytigersharks.com website.