(OLNEY) The Richland County Homemakers Education Association is gearing up for its Annual Bazaar, coming up this Saturday, November 2nd, from 9:00 to 2:00, at the Olney City Park Community Building, providing a great shopping opportunity for Christmas and the holiday season. The free event will feature a multitude of items for sale from fresh garden produce and freshly baked goodies to hand crafts, White Elephant articles, & various other items. Food-wise, the event begins with breakfast rolls & coffee, followed by lunch with fried chicken, sides, pies, & drinks for $12 per person. Plus the HEA’s main fundraiser of the year will have its popular theme basket raffle and a main raffle with over 80 items available with tickets on sale at $1 each or get 6 tickets for $5. The day also kicks off the HEA’s annual membership drive with information and details provided. That’s this Saturday in Olney.