(OLNEY) The Olney City Council met last night in regular session. The Council : approved the payment of all bills as presented : approved the $3,151,908 bid from Shores Builders of Centralia for the City’s Main Street Storm Sewer Project : accepted a $16,000 donation from Project Community to help the City of Olney pay for the $130,000 Lighting Replacement Project at the ball fields in Musgrove Park : approved a proposal from Project Community to develop a 60-space parking lot on the north end of Musgrove Park : approved a request from the Richland County High School Bass Fishing Team to host a tournament next spring while waiving Boat Permit requirements : heard a positive TIF Fund audit from the Kemper CPA Group, showing no problems or issues : agreed to support a grant application for a Dog Park : approved a one-year Travel Tournament Agreement for next year at Musgrove Park : took no action on a proposed ordinance to implement a Municipal Grocery Tax, tabling it until the future : and took no other action, other than to adjourn, after a closed session to discuss real property and personnel : the City Council’s next meeting is September 9th.